In a spirit of benevolence and respect for the adult or child, or even the animal (in animal communication, specialized in dead animals and their friends still alive), my goal is to accompany you towards well-being and inner serenity.

« On ne peut guérir la partie, sans soigner le tout. On ne doit pas soigner le corps séparé de l’âme et pour que l’espri
“You can’t heal the part without healing the whole. You can’t heal the body separately from the soul, and for the mind and body to regain their health, you have to start by healing the soul. For it is a fundamental error of today’s doctors to separate the soul from the body”.
Plato (-428, -348)
“Resilience is the ability to cope with and recover from setbacks. It is the capacity of a person to adapt following a trauma, it is the capacity to live, to succeed, to develop in spite of adversity.“
Boris Cyrulnik
My name is Agnes Dalet, and I’m a psycho-energetician and magnetizer based in Gaillac in France. My commitments are either face-to-face or remotely (videoconference). For over twenty years, I’ve been helping people to reveal and fulfil themselves by helping them dealing with what’s holding them back. When you come into contact with me, you’re like a ball of wool thread, all tangled up. My role is to begin to unravel the threads.
To do this, I look at you as a whole person: your history, your background, your environment, your upbringing… I’m a jack-of-all-trades and I like that. To help you, I use different methods like magnetism. I’m also a guide for the soul (human and animal souls) and I do animal communication to reassure and explain what the situation of their animal friends, that have passed, of little kids of animals who left too quickly.
If you have question and haven’t found the answer on this site, or if you would like to comment on one of my articles? Don’t hesitate to send me a message!
Contact me !!